Five People
Five people in a room,
dim lights, dense conversation,
thoughts overlapping like a school girl’s braid.
Five lives, five minds, together for after dusk pleasure,
they lope from one idea to another, effortless as children at play.
Things are said, unsaid and said again,
they share glasses and feelings, plates and secrets.
Five friends in a room,
lambent together, the obscure room glows.
This pleasure is made to be remembered,
to nourish them between times.
When night ends, as sadly it must,
each goes to a separate nook of the room,
where in their haste to come together they had quickly thrown off their things.
Five people in a room.
Each has their own shoes, their own wallets, their own vanity.
Now they must leave the crosy glow of lamplit night.
Five people, five worlds,
when they come together they make elixirspice. ◊